Custom email subject examples

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Available in service plans: Advanced, Universal

If you would like to create a custom email subjects for your community you are able to create your own email templates! More information about email templates is available in this article.

To edit your email templates go to your Project settings -> Project -> Email templates.

Find out below some examples how to create a custom email SUBJECT for your notifications.

1. Specific subject prefix for all email notifications.

To add some specific subject prefix to all your email notifications just add this prefix to your base subject template.

Base template: My prefix: {% ue_content %}

Other templates leave empty (default).

Result example: My prefix: Test topic

2. Change subject for specific email notification.

To change subject for specific email notification you could edit that specific email template only. Here is an example for "User registration.

Leave "Base" template empty (default).

Change "User registration" template to your text: You've registered with us!

Result example: You've registered with us!

3. Dynamic data in a custom subject.

Here is an example ho to add prefix with your project name and forum name if forum exists in this notification.

Base template: [{{}}{% if %} / {{}}{% endif %}] {% ue_content %}

Other templates leave empty (default).

Result example: [My project / My forum ] Test topic

4. Add ticket ID if exists.

Here is an example ho to add a ticket id to all your email notifications if it's applicable (The Helpdesk ticket notification).

Base template: {% if notification.topic.ticket_id %}Request #{{notification.topic.ticket_id}}{% endif %} {% ue_content %}

Other templates leave empty (default).

Result example: Request #12345: Test topic

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