Configure custom fields for topics and users

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Topics and users have default fields like header, description, etc for topics and name, email, etc. for users.

If you would like to extend this information with additional data you are able to add some custom fields to topics or users.

This setting is available in:

Settings -> Users -> Custom fields

Settings -> Community forums -> Custom fields

Settings -> Helpdesk -> Custom fields

Image 17365

Currently UserEcho supports six types of fields.

Field types:

String - the usual string field.

Text - milti-line text field.
Combobox - drop-down list, using it convenient to select the field for which values are known.

Checkox - Check box

Date - Date (for example ask about user birth date with it.

URL - the text field that represents as URL when entered text is displayed.
For all fields available additional settings.

Public - the field value is visible to all users

Author and Support agents - the field value is visible to author and support agents.

Support agents - the field value is visible to support agents only.

Editable by:

Author and Support agents - the field can be edited by author and support agents.

Support agents - the field can be edited by support agents only.

Required - system will require to fill this field. The system is implemented intelligent mechanism when a user in a relaxed form asked to fill missing data in the profile before it acts on the support forum. So you will get users with completed profiles and you will save your time not asking each time the data you want.

User's custom fields value can be viewed by clicking the user's profile.

Image 17366

Topic's custom fields value can be viewed inside the topic.

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